Welcome to Seattle’s Giving Garden
What’s a giving garden? It’s a place where people grow food to help those who are struggling to feed themselves and their families. Seattle has dozens of giving gardens – 64+ are located in city P-Patches. In 2013, 45 of those gardens donated a combined total of 29,067 pounds of fresh, organic, GMO-free produce to food banks, meal programs and shelters. Adding Marra Farm’s 17,168 pounds and the Seattle Community Farm‘s 6,226 pounds, that’s a grand total of 52,461 pounds representing a total of 104,922 servings worth approximately $132,201.
Seattle’s Giving Garden Network is a remarkable volunteer operation: volunteers of all ages manage greenhouses, sow seeds, distribute starts to the various gardens, plant the gardens, weed, water and tend them throughout the season, harvest the produce, and deliver the food to where it is needed.
We want this website to:
– Shine a light on the wonderful work being done by these dedicated, hard-working people
– Help giving gardeners across the city connect with each other and with their communities
– Provide resources and answers to questions
– Make it easy for other interested volunteers to find a way to participate
So have fun browsing around and please consider making a donation to this very worthy cause. Enjoy the photos, check out the FAQs, and if you don’t find an answer to your question, feel free to submit it!