2025 SGGN List and descriptions of crops available to Seattle Giving Gardeners in April 2025
Seattle Giving Garden Network (SGGN) will be distributing plants from their Sprouts program to gardeners in Seattle that are growing food to donate to food banks and other food distribution locations. Here is a list of the plants that will be available in April from Sprouts. For more details about growing the crops to maturity there is a link to the appropriate page on the suppliers website (High Mowing for all except the two varities from Territorial). On the High Mowing you can scroll down the page for ‘Seed Specifications” or “Growing Information” and click on the “+” to open up the detail. On Territorial they can scroll down and…
Gardening for Good at Summit Atlas High
On the busy corner of Roxbury & 35th street our school garden thrives, filled with tomatoes, cucumbers, kale, peas, and carrots. This garden is doing more than just providing our AP Environmental Science class with an educational opportunity; it’s helping to solve a bigger problem known as food deserts. Urban food deserts are areas where it’s hard to find affordable fresh produce, where there are no large grocery stores and supermarkets, and instead, neighborhoods are filled with convenience stores and fast-food restaurants that don’t benefit the low-income communities around us. In our school garden we are growing tomatoes, snap peas, kale, cucumbers and carrots. We have our crops organized into…
Giving Garden lead
Pictures of the UpGarden Giving Garden