
SGGN’s Sprouts Project currently grows over 20,000 vegetable and herb starts in greenhouses that are distributed at no cost every spring for Giving Garden use.
We have 3 greenhouse locations in Seattle. The work begins each February. Volunteers tend the wide variety of starts until they’re large enough to transplant in early April. Gardeners pick these starts up and grow until ready for harvest and giving to food programs.
This critical resource provides Giving Gardeners a head start on the season.
Contact for more information.
Seed Sourcing & Distribution
SGGN volunteers secure donations of unsold seeds from local retailers, nurseries and regional seed manufacturers to distribute at our Annual Giving Gardeners Gathering
A large variety of vegetable, herb and flower seed packets are available at no cost during our Giving Gardener’s Gathering prior to the growing season.
Contact for more information.

Giving Gardeners need tools and materials, such as shovels, cultivators, lumber for beds, compost, etc. during the growing season. SGGN has a small grants program to assist Giving Gardeners in purchasing such items.
Contact for more information on this program.