How You Can Help

Open Volunteer Roles


Join our positive, humble and mighty team of volunteers in our mission to sustain and support a combined mission of Growing to Give.All Roles are supported and guided by SGGN. Descriptions below are for currently vacant roles.

Please fill out our Volunteer Interest Form.

Seed Procurment – early year requests, 1-2 volunteers This volunteer would target larger retail operations that don’t keep seeds through the summer for seed donation -possibly hardware, big box stores, PCC, possibly Whole Foods. 
Job would entail emailing,cphoning, or walking in to connect with the right people-lots of chasing down people! 
This is a timely job and i’m not sure when that time is!-june 15 to July 1.

Social Media  Interns to create social media plan. SGGN volunteers to share any and all information needed to share or ideas for posts. Social Media Volunteer is encouraged to post, mold SGGN’s online image, expand our circle, communicate our mission, be connected with community in an engaging way, most importantly encourage growing to give. VACANT

Community Connections Team/SGGN LAISON – Team Lead A group of volunteers that will represent their own major areas of seattle to connect in different ways; recipients, donation sites, gardeners to improve our services to that specific community. Connect and support with volunteer community Laisons. Communicate SGGNs projects and goals for the year. Find volunteers to fill available roles. Network and contact support provided from SGGN. VACANT

Photographer Photographer – Help capture photos of our hard working volunteers in action and share our story. VACANT
Sprouts VolunteersThese volunteers will be dedicating about 1 hour a week during February – April to work in neighborhood greenhouse tending to flats of seedlings, transplanting seeds to pot, monitoring, watering, and supporting with distribution.


Other ways to help within your community. You can help a garden by…

  • Volunteer to work in a giving garden or deliver produce to recipients.
  • Bring a carload of friends to a work party.
  • Donate tools or gloves or other needed supplies to a giving garden.
  • Bring a pot of soup to a giving garden work party – or some cold drinks on a hot day.
  • Stop by a giving garden to say hello and take some pictures.
  • Offer to water a giving garden during the dry summer months.
  • Contact the coordinator of your local giving garden and see if they can accept private donations of produce. If yes, then bring produce you (and your friends and neighbors) have grown.
  • Have kids in school? Find out how to get your local giving garden on the school’s list for service learning opportunities.
We can connect you to a garden in your community. Email us at