• SGGN Sprouts

    Ballard Sprouts March 2023 News

    Ballard Sprouts started planting seeds on Valentines day, 20 trays of 220 seeds each.  During the very cold spell we kept the trays on the heating mats.  Now we have planted another 20 trays and are just beginning to transplant the first seedlings into pots, 5 per pot.We will continue seeding, transplanting, fertilizing and caring for these plants until mid April when they will be donated to gardeners who are growing food for the Food Banks or food needy programs. Here are photos of volunteers planting seeds and Michael checking them one week later.Ballard Sprouts will no longer have access to its greenhouse in Ballard as of June 2024.  We are…

  • SGGN Sprouts

    Sprouts Growing Tomatoes

    On April 28th the Sprouts volunteers transplanted 1000 tomato plants and placed them in the hoop houses. We put netting around them to keep the rabbits out. For the last three weeks the weather has been so cold that we have mostly kept the hoop houses covered. Now, as the weather turns warmer, we can uncover the hoop houses to give the tomatoes some welcome sun and warmth. We still do not know what day we will distribute the tomato plants. We are monitoring them and the weather.